Navajo Department of Health Partnership
Winslow Indian Health Care Center is dedicated to accessibility and has worked in partnership with the Navajo Department of Health (NDOH). The Department has 14 programs under its directive, with headquarters in Window Rock, AZ serving approximately 300,000 members of the Nation Nation. We are appreciative of the partnership with NDOH and it has provided several onsite programs available here on campus, like WIC, Office of Environmental Health, Breast & Cervical Cancer Program, and Navajo Health Education Program.
For more information about NDOH or to visit their website click the button Visit NDOH.
For more information about NDOH or to visit their website click the button Visit NDOH.
Food Handler's Training
Classes will be conducted in English language, please bring an interpreter if needed. If you have any questions, please contact 928-871-6349, 7940. To receive a Food Safety Training Card (blue card), one must pass the written test. Children must be 12 years or older to take test. By passing the written test, you may apply for the pink card (itinerant food permit – no separate test required for pink card). Pink card is $5.00 for 6 months. Payment in the form of money order PAYABLE TO NAVAJO NATION is required (no cash). Pink card and blue card allows a person to sell food or distribute food for free to the public. Pink card can be renewed before or after class. Challenge test may be taken about 55 minutes before start of class (if time permits). Bring pen for test and note taking. Please be on time-doors will be closed.
Information on food handler training date, day, time & place will be published in the Navajo Times; KTNN radio, Navajo (Dineh) Nation radio Network and Navajo (Dineh) Nation Television Network will broadcast Food Handler Training schedules. You can also go to Navajo Department of Health website at (One pink card per food stand, owner or manager of food stand must have pink and blue cards. All helper(s) 12 and older must have blue card(s).
Contact Information
Nanneray Nez, TB Control Tech.
928-657-8011 Cornelia Nez, Health Education Office Specialist 928-289-6142 Gerry Chee, HIV Health Educator 928-289-6165 Kris Kelley, STD Technician 928-657-8020 |
Laura Brown, MD, Johns Hopkins
928-338-5215 Johns Hopkins Fax 928-338-4293 Navajo Nation Special DM Program 928-657-8117 Health Education Fax 928-289-8046 |
NN WIC Program
928-289-3219 Navajo Nation WIC Program Hotline 928-206-7348 WIC Program Toll-Free Line 1-800-307-4231 |